General questions and answers about Microlife's ear thermometer.
The Microlife ear thermometer measures infrared energy radiated from the eardrum and the surrounding tissue. This energy is collected through the lens and converted to the correct temperature value.
Yes, the probe is too short to reach the eardrum. The ear canal of babies and small children is smaller than the probe of the thermometer so it can not reach the sensitive parts of the ear. Pull the ear as explained in the instruction manual and gently insert the probe into the ear. When you feel resistance from the ear, don't push any further and maintain the position.
No, Microlife ear thermometers does not sending out any waves or heat at any time. It only acts as a receiver of heat. If the ear is inflamed or an ear infection is present, it is recommended the measurement be taken in the other ear or a standard digital thermometer should be used orally, underarm or rectally as appropriate.
Microlife's ear thermometer measurements are comparable to an oral temperature from a quality thermometer.
Generally, there are no significant differences in ear temperatures. We recommended you practice measuring temperature when well, determine normal temperatures for you and your family, and use the ear that that gives you a higher reading.
Temperature can vary slightly from left to right ear because of the amounts of dirt or earwax present or due to individual variations. Please note the position of the probe tip during measurement can have an influence on the results. It is very important to straighten the ear canal and insert the probe tip comfortably and completely in the ear canal to ensure accuracy.
Yes, the Microlife ear thermometer is designed to take the body temperature of adults and children of all ages; including premature infants. Caution: high fever in infants and young children should be immediately reported to your doctor!
It is essential that the probe is cleaned after every measurement. Use an alcohol swab or cotton tissue moistened with alcohol (70 percent Isopropyl) to clean the thermometer casing and the measuring sensor. Ensure that no liquid enters the interior of the device. Never use abrasive cleaning agents, thinners or benzene for cleaning and never immerse the device in water or other cleaning liquids. Take care not to scratch the surface of the sensor lens and the display.
Accumulation of ear wax on the probe can result in less accurate temperature readings or cross infection between users. Therefore, it is essential that the probe is cleaned after every measurement.
Generally, ear infections cause considerable pain. Pulling on the outer ear would create further discomfort. It is recommended a measurement be performed in the unaffected ear or at an other body site with the appropriate device.