All Microlife fully automated upper arm blood pressure
monitors can be used during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia
Hypertension in pregnancy can cause serious complications for both mother and child and a more serious problem is encountered when pre-eclampsia develops. Pre-eclampsia is defined as new hypertension and substantial proteinuria after 20 weeks gestation. Due to the unpredictable nature of pre-eclampsia hypertensive pregnant women must have their blood pressure measured frequently.
Pre-eclampsia can be accompanied by reduced blood flow through the placenta so that the baby receives less oxygen and nutrients. This can cause low birth weight and other problems for the baby. Most women with pre-eclampsia still deliver healthy babies. A few develop a condition called eclampsia, which causes high risk for both mother and baby. Pre-eclampsia can be recognised by a clear increase in blood pressure after 20 or 32 weeks of gestation. Hence, it is essential that blood pressure is monitored frequently and accurately during pregnancy.
Most electronic blood pressure monitors have significant difficulties in measuring during pregnancy and especially during pre-eclampsia. This means that, when measurements are taken with these devices, pre-eclampsia may NOT be detected. For this reason healthcare authorities require a specific validation test for automated blood pressure monitors that are used in pregnant women and those who have pre-eclampsia before automated blood pressure devices may be recommended for use during pregnancy.
All Microlife fully automated upper arm blood pressure monitors can be used during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia.